It’s so awesome to see our framing hanging behind William H.Macy at one of our favorite restaurants, ChoLon! (Photo Credit: ChoLon)
It’s so awesome to see our framing hanging behind William H.Macy at one of our favorite restaurants, ChoLon! (Photo Credit: ChoLon)
Large photograph custom framed for ChoLon using a linen liner, UV acrylic and frame by Framerica!
We are honored to have framed for Chef Lon Symensma’s Cho77, which is now open in LoDo! It’s excellent so check them out!
We’re incredibly honored to have framed for Chef Lon Symensma’s new restaurant, LeRoux! Each piece was framed with linen matting, museum glass by Tru Vue and Axel frame by Larson-Juhl! LeRoux is excellent so make sure you check it out soon! We’re going this weekend!
Chef Lon Symensma’s chefs coat custom framed with linen matting, museum glass by Tru Vue and Axel frame by Larson-Juhl! This is displayed in Lon’s new restaurant, LeRoux! It is excellent so go check it out!
We had a great time at the FastFrame of LoDo holiday dinner last night at ChoLon! A big thanks to this talented crew for all their hard work. Thanks as well to Siobhan and Lee, who are not pictured.
We are so honored to print and frame this massive photograph for one of Denver’s best restaurants, ChoLon! Go and have a wonderful dinner at ChoLon this holiday season, and while you’re at it, check out our handy work!