Tag: decor

Where To Hang Custom Frames?


The large walls in a stairway can be the perfect spot for groupings. An informal arrangement like this one makes it easy to add or change out framed pieces to keep the look fresh.

Frames Surrounding Objects


A beautiful empty frame becomes a major highlight in this room as it sits on the mantel, surrounding an object on the wall. The frame draws attention to the object, which may otherwise go unnoticed.

Mixing & Matching Frames!


The frames in a grouping do not have to match. Here we see black, gold and silver frames together on one wall. There are also different styles and moulding widths. Planned diversity helps make this wall interesting.

Art for the Home


Choosing art to fit a room can be a science in itself. Obviously, you want to choose something you love, but when you love several pieces, look for unique ways the art can relate to the space. Here the lines in the art reflect the lines of the home’s architecture.

3D Wall Grouping


Check out this beautiful grouping. In order to compensate for the depth of the fireplace mantel, deep profile frames project the art forward. Notice how one frame is sitting on the mantel, adding even more dimension.

How & Where To Hang Custom Picture Framing – Denver, CO


When choosing frames, the primary goal should be to enhance the art. Although it is not necessary to match the framing to the room, it is smart to create a good sense of balance with the space. A narrow float frame around this large painting works well with the art, but also relates to the scale of the furnishings for a cohesive look. Notice the skinny table legs and the narrow arms on the sofa and chairs.