Tag: dog memorial shadowbox

Dog Memorial Shadowbox

Dog memorial shadowbox custom framed with suede matting, UV glass and Komodo frame by Larson-Juhl. It makes us sad to do these, but we’re happy we can be a part of commemorating these special family members.

Dog Memorial Shadowbox Denver

Dog memorial shadowbox custom framed with suede matting, UV glass and frame by Bella Moulding. This is a great way to honor your departed furry family member.

Dog Memorial Shadowbox

What better way honor your beloved furry family member than with a custom framed shadowbox?

Dog Memorial Shadowbox

What better way honor your beloved furry family member than with a custom framed shadowbox?

Dog Memorial Shadowbox

This is a dog memorial shadowbox we framed back in 2011. To this day, it remains one of the most popular items we’ve ever put online. We still receive frequent phone calls from all over the country about emulating this shadowbox. If we can help honor your furry family member, please let us know!

Dog Memorial Shadowbox Denver

Dog Memorial Shadowbox DenverDog memorial shadowboxes are the perfect way to honor your beloved furry family members after they’re gone. Let us help you preserve their memory for a lifetime!