Tag: frames

Happy Earth Day, Friends!


Happy Earth Day, friends! Did you know that one of  FastFrame of LoDo’s most popular frame lines is made from recycled materials? We also carry a special line of frames where if purchased, the manufacturer plants a tree! We also make it a point to recycle all unused scrap materials, and we donate what can be used to local school art programs! It’s our small way of making sure our environmental impact is minimal!

Mixing & Matching Frames


Not only is it OK to mix different frame colors and styles in one space, it is often preferable. The variety of frames may be the perfect way to balance with other furnishings, while adding another level of interest to the room.

Frames In Unusual Places


Rooms can be functional without losing style. This bookcase appears to be filled with hundreds of magazines. Rather than letting them dominate the room, small framed photos nestle into each cubbyhole, adding both STYLE and a personal touch.

Mixing & Matching Frames!


The frames in a grouping do not have to match. Here we see black, gold and silver frames together on one wall. There are also different styles and moulding widths. Planned diversity helps make this wall interesting.

Frames For The Denver Home


Blending this narrow frame with the color of the adjacent mat border prevents it from looking skimpy. If the frame was a contrasting color, a wider moulding would look much better.

Frames & Furniture


Flank a large piece of furniture with framed art. It adds interest to the room and helps soften the transition from the dimension of the furniture to the flatness of the wall.

Wrapped Picture Frames


A wrapped custom frame for the corners of your walls! (Just make sure you don’t cut or fold anything of value!)