Tag: leroux

Thank You

We had a great time at our annual (post) holiday party at LeRoux! Thank you to this great group of framers who helped make this our second best year ever! Siobhan and Lee could not attend but were with us in spirit. Thank you as well to LeRoux for hosting us. The food, as always, was excellent!


We are honored to have framed for Chef Lon Symensma’s Cho77, which is now open in LoDo! It’s excellent so check them out!

LeRoux Denver

We’re incredibly honored to have framed for Chef Lon Symensma’s new restaurant, LeRoux! Each piece was framed with linen matting, museum glass by Tru Vue and Axel frame by Larson-Juhl! LeRoux is excellent so make sure you check it out soon! We’re going this weekend!

Shadowbox Framing Denver

Chef Lon Symensma’s chefs coat custom framed with linen matting, museum glass by Tru Vue and Axel frame by Larson-Juhl! This is displayed in Lon’s new restaurant, LeRoux! It is excellent so go check it out!