Custom framed ODESZA signed album using acid-free matting and UV glass!
Custom framed ODESZA signed album using acid-free matting and UV glass!
This is a page of music written in Latin on vellum from a book that was drawn by monks. It was later turned into a scroll so people could play the music from a ways away. It is framed in Omega Moulding with a Larson Juhl fillet, UV glass and acid-free matting!
One of our best customers, Marc Martinez, presented a custom frame to Skylar Grey last night. We are honored to have framed this item and we appreciate Marc sharing this photo with us!
Custom framed Jay-Z album using suede matting, metallic matting beneath, and conservation glass!
Limited Edition Luna print framed with metallic matting and a metal frame!
Widespread Panic poster framed in Universal Arquati’s Carnavale!
Hard Working Americans album framed with four acid-free mats (two suede, one texture and one reg.), and two stacked frames! Designed and framed by our very own Russell Wilbar!