Tag: peter newlin

Shadoxbox Framing | Homegrown Tap & Dough

 Shadoxbox Framing | Homegrown Tap & Dough

It’s an honor to frame for Homegrown Tap & Dough! This photograph print was custom framed using wood backing, UV glass and hardwood oak frame by Picture Woods, Ltd.! Go check out their new location in Westminster!

Hole-In-One Shadowbox with Peyton Manning

Hole-In-One Shadowbox with Peyton Manning

Imagine not only getting a hole-in-one while golfing with Peyton Manning but also having him narrate the video of it as it happened. This customer was lucky to experience all of the above! This hole-in-one shadowbox was custom framed using linen matting, museum glass and frame by Roma Moulding!