Tag: pets

Custom Framed Pets Denver


Wonderful painted portrait of our shop dog Helton by local Denver artist, Ashley Raine! More and more people are making art to honor their pets! Come see what we can do to honor your furry friends today! If you’re interested in having Ashley paint a portrait of your dog, contact her at: ashleyjoraine@gmail.com

Custom Framed Pets Denver


Today we present another framed tribute to a furry family member: a dog named Merlin. This was framed for our customer David Spohn in Seattle Washington. Here is what David had to say: 

“Merlin died of the big C. It took him quickly and he was my first dog ever. He was full of character and I had to do something out of the ordinary for him and along with the hand carved wooden urn I had hand made for his ashes, this painting so awesomely framed will rest above them.”

FastFrame of LoDo is honored to be a part of this tribute. This amazing piece was painted by Ashley Raine, a locally based artist in the Denver metro area.

Shadowbox Tribute For Pets


Custom framing is a fantastic way to honor your lost loved ones, even those furry friends… This beautiful shadowbox is a wonderful tribute to one of those very special pets. It includes a photo, paw imprint and linen matting. We are honored to be part of this special tribute!

Custom Shadowbox Denver

2014-03-17 12.20.51

For Throwback Thursday, we present this beautiful shadowbox featuring a photo, paw print, and the collar of a departed loved one that we framed in 2012! After this furry family member passed away, the owner wanted to honor her and all she meant to him and his wife. We couldn’t think of a better way to do it than with a custom frame! This photo is also our most successful pin on Pinterest. As of right now, it’s been re-pinned a whopping 1250 times! Here is the pin: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/255931191295883205/ We were honored to frame something so meaningful to our customer. This is truly the best part of what we do!

Custom Picture Frames Denver – Pet Edition


Are you an animal lover? A custom frame is the perfect way to honor your furry family member! FastFrame of LoDo in Denver Colorado can provide you with the perfect custom picture frame to enhance any photos or art of your little one, while preserving it for years to come!

We invite you to come in and choose from over 2,000 frame samples, thousands upon thousands of acid-free matboard selections, and of course w carry all of the protective glass options! When you think of custom picture framing in Denver, think FastFrame of LoDo!